
Our Donor Partners

We are extremely thankful for our various partners, including the Community Action Program for Children (CAPC), the Public Health Agency of Canada, United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern New Brunswick and the Province of NB.

Our major funder is the Public Health Agency of Canada. Other partners also grant us additional funding that allows us to improve our existing programs.

Our Community Partners

The Bouctouche Co-op provides the snacks for the Bouctouche Playgroup which is a wonderful support. In addition, the Bouctouche St. Judes Foundation, the Richibucto Cartier Foundation and the Foundation of Saint-Louis-de-Kent support us financially each year and have for many years.

Family and Early Childhood Development Inc

Family and Early Childhood Development Inc. is an important partner for the Kent Family Resource Center. If necessary, KFRC facilitators can contact Family and Early Childhood Development Inc. to refer families who have concerns regarding the overall development of their child. At the request of the parent, Family and Early Childhood Development Inc. can attend various programs offered by the KFRC to observe a child participating in these programs. Furthermore, Family and Early Childhood Inc. encourages families to participate in programs and activities offered by the KFRC.

Municipalities and parishes: Publicity, promotion and partnerships

Schools, Libraries and Daycares

All of the schools in the Francophone South School District allow us to use space within the schools free of charge in which we are able to offer our Fun to be Four programs.

Anglophone and Francophone School Districts

The Francophone South School District supports the KFRC by promoting our preschools in the Kent County Francophone schools.

The Anglophone North School District co-facilitates programs such as Mother Goose with us. They also allow us to use space within the schools for our Fun to be Four programs.

The Boussole (Early Childhood Development Center) in Richibucto

L’Association francophone des parents du NB


The Francophone Association of parents in NB has supported us with ongoing trainings (i.e. Parent Convention.)

Horizon Health Network


We invite professionals to give information sessions to our participants.

Vitality Health Network


We invite professionals to give information sessions to our participants.

Talk With Me

The Talk With Me program shares our publicity and co-facilitates Mother Goose programs with us. Furthermore, the Talk With Me team offers information sessions to our families during our programming.

The Canadian Association of Mental Health

The Canadian Association of Mental Health offers sessions to our participants on mental health. They also offer the KFRC staff ongoing training.

Public Libraries of Bouctouche, St-Antoine and Richibucto

The Playgroups will occasionally have outings at the library. In certain regions the last Fun to be Four session is held at the library. This is done in partnership with the New Brunswick Public Libraries.

Interested in becoming one of our partners?

If you're interested in becoming one of our partners, do not hesitate to communicate with us!