Fun to be Four

Children who will begin kindergarten in September of the following year are the target audience for this program.
The “Fun to be Four” program is offered in every French-language school in Kent County. For children in the Rexton and Harcourt areas, the program is offered at The Anchor in Richibucto.
The program lasts 2 hours a day for 7 weeks. The program is offered at different times during the year depending on the region, in order to accommodate the availability of premises and facilitators.
Our mission :
Offer children and parents sessions that promote the overall development of the child through play.
Our values :
Each child is unique and learns at their own pace. Parents are the first educators of their children Play is a child’s preferred way of learning.
Our goals :
A pedagogy of play: all the activities of the program are designed to allow the child to learn while having fun.
- Foster the parent-child relationship
- Help children and parents develop a positive attitude towards learning
- Provide creative activities that promote the development of children’s basic skills
- Allow detachment
- Promote the socialization and self-esteem of children
- Introduce children to early learning activities in reading and writing (pre-literacy) and mathematics (pre-numeracy)
However, each child receives a portfolio (scrapbook) at the beginning of the sessions to allow parents to see their child’s progress.
Schedule of activities:
- Welcome
- Directed activities (circle, magic bag, crafts, etc.)
- Nutritious snack
- Group games
- Familiarization activity with the school environment
The purpose of the welcome activities is to occupy the children while waiting for everyone to be there to begin. We want to do activities that don’t take too long and that we can stop at any time to start the session.
Ex: Puzzles, activities with their name, sequence game, activity sheets, etc.
Directed activities (the circle)
What are the special activities?
- Kindergarten class visit
- Library visit
- School gymnasium activities
- Treasure hunt (activity during the last session)
What is the role of parents?
The “Fun to be Four” program is a cooperative program. This means that the parents help the animator in her work. Parents (or any other significant adult for the child) must be present at the first and last session (treasure hunt). We also recommend that parents attend at least two workshops offered during the year by the CRFK or its collaborating partners.
You can register online (see form) or call the Kent Family Resource Center at 524-9192.
No. As the program is not compulsory, you must register your child in both places.
For children who will attend schools in the District scolaire francophone Sud, registration is done online at throughout the month of October. Families who do not have internet access can go directly to the school.
For children who will attend schools in the Anglophone North School District, registration takes place the week of October 14 to 18 and parents must go directly to the school.
Following the registration of your child and the sharing of your contact information, a person in charge will contact you in the weeks following registration.
Don't Forget!
Do not forget you must register your child for school! For the Anglophone North School District registrations take place during the month of October. You must present yourself at the school your child will be attending with your child’s birth certificate, immunization card, and Medicare card.
Website Anglophone North School District :
Phone number : Tel: 506 778-6075
For children attending the Francophone South School District, you must register your child online during the month of October.
Link to the registration for the Francophone South School District :
Website Francophone South School District:
Phone number: 1-888-268-9088
After you register your child online you must present yourself at the school to confirm the registration. You will need to bring your child’s birth certificate, Medicare card, and immunization card.